Junjie Xi

Dr Junjie Xi is a lecturer in Architectural Design and Humanities at the University of Liverpool. Prior to joining LSA, she was a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. In China, she had the opportunity to work as a Postdoctoral researcher for the China Railway Group Limited and the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University. Her project The Use of Flexible Architecture and Structures in the Design of Public Buildings was funded by China Railway and the research outputs will be used by this state-owned enterprise in their construction work in the future. She published her book Small-Scale Public Transportable and Pre-Fabricated Buildings: Evaluating their Functional Performance in March 2018. She continues her research in high-speed railway stations and is currently writing a new book China’s High-Speed Railway Transformation: Infrastructure Investment and Urban Development. Junjie led an ODA funded research project in collaboration with the Centre for Inclusive Architecture and Urbanism at BRAC University, Bangladesh. She also works as a part of a Liverpool based research team promoting the Liverpool’s lost railway heritage.

Amlin Iqbal Eshita

Amlin Iqbal Eshita